Empowering Designs Through FEA Simulation

Optimize your 3D models with precision engineering and advanced simulations.

Car airflow test

Our structural analysis services provide insight into how your design will react to real-world loads, stresses, and forces. We simulate mechanical behavior to predict potential weaknesses, ensuring your products are both robust and efficient.

Car airflow test

Manage heat flow and temperature distribution effectively with our thermal analysis. We ensure that your designs can withstand varying temperatures, minimizing the risk of overheating or thermal stress. Perfect for electronics, machinery, and industrial applications.

Car airflow test

Vibration can degrade performance over time. Our vibration and frequency analysis helps you assess dynamic performance, ensuring that your product can operate effectively under varying vibration conditions without damage. Identify natural frequencies and resonance points to enhance safety and longevity.

Products made from materials like rubber or plastic may behave nonlinearly under certain conditions. Our nonlinear analysis services predict how these materials respond to large deformations or high-stress scenarios, ensuring performance accuracy under extreme conditions.

Car airflow test
Car airflow test

Predict the long-term behavior of your components with fatigue analysis. We simulate repeated stress cycles to identify weak points in your design and estimate product life, ensuring that your product remains reliable over time.

Car airflow test

For complex products involving multiple parts, our assembly simulation service ensures that all components work seamlessly together under various conditions. We simulate the entire assembly to identify any potential issues before production.



1. Structural Analysis

Description: Our structural analysis services provide insight into how your design will react to real-world loads, stresses, and forces. We simulate mechanical behavior to predict potential weaknesses, ensuring your products are both robust and efficient.

Suggested Image: A 3D mechanical component (like a bracket or beam) showing color-mapped stress distribution under load in SolidWorks Simulation.

Layout: Split section with a 3D simulation image on the left and text description on the right.

2. Thermal Analysis

Description: Manage heat flow and temperature distribution effectively with our thermal analysis. We ensure that your designs can withstand varying temperatures, minimizing the risk of overheating or thermal stress. Perfect for electronics, machinery, and industrial applications.

Suggested Image: A 3D electronic enclosure with a thermal heat map, highlighting high and low temperature areas.

Layout: Single-column with an image at the top followed by text.

3. Vibration and Frequency Analysis

Description: Vibration can degrade performance over time. Our vibration and frequency analysis helps you assess dynamic performance, ensuring that your product can operate effectively under varying vibration conditions without damage. Identify natural frequencies and resonance points to enhance safety and longevity.

Suggested Image: A mechanical part (like a rotating shaft) displaying frequency analysis, with highlighted vibration points in SolidWorks.

Layout: Full-width image with text below.

4. Nonlinear Analysis

Description: Products made from materials like rubber or plastic may behave nonlinearly under certain conditions. Our nonlinear analysis services predict how these materials respond to large deformations or high-stress scenarios, ensuring performance accuracy under extreme conditions.

Suggested Image: A deforming rubber or plastic part being simulated in SolidWorks with large displacement highlighted.

Layout: Split screen with half of the section as an image and half as text.

5. Fatigue Analysis

Description: Predict the long-term behavior of your components with fatigue analysis. We simulate repeated stress cycles to identify weak points in your design and estimate product life, ensuring that your product remains reliable over time.

Suggested Image: A gear or lever system undergoing cyclic stress analysis, showing the material’s fatigue points over time.

Layout: 2-column layout with text and image side by side.

6. Optimization and Design Validation

Description: Our design optimization services help you refine and improve your products. Using FEA simulations, we compare design iterations to find the optimal balance between weight, strength, and cost efficiency, ensuring you get the best possible performance.

Suggested Image: Multiple iterations of a 3D design on one screen, each showing different simulation results.

Layout: Single column with an interactive slider that allows users to compare designs (optional feature for interactive engagement).

7. Assembly Simulation

Description: For complex products involving multiple parts, our assembly simulation service ensures that all components work seamlessly together under various conditions. We simulate the entire assembly to identify any potential issues before production.

Suggested Image: A complex machine assembly (e.g., automotive engine or industrial equipment) with stress and movement simulation overlays.

Layout: Large image with text overlay or split screen.

Why Choose Ekyos for FEA Services?

At Ekyos, we offer a comprehensive suite of FEA services using SolidWorks Simulation, helping you mitigate design risks, reduce production costs, and accelerate your product development cycle. Our engineers work closely with your team to ensure that every design aspect is thoroughly analyzed and optimized for success.

Suggested Image: A team of engineers collaborating on 3D models using simulation software.

Layout: Full-width section with image in the background and text overlaid with a semi-transparent background.

Call to Action

Contact Us Today
Let’s take your design to the next level! Reach out to us for a consultation, and we’ll help you implement FEA simulations that drive your success.

Call-to-Action Button: “Get Started with FEA Simulations”
Suggested Image: A sleek, professional image of engineers using SolidWorks Simulation in an office or workshop setting.

Additional Layout and Photo Suggestions:

  • Interactive Sections: Consider implementing interactive sections where users can slide between different simulation results (before and after optimization).
  • Photos: High-quality 3D renders of simulations in SolidWorks, preferably showing components like gears, brackets, electronic enclosures, or industrial parts undergoing FEA analysis with stress or thermal maps.
  • Testimonials Section: Add a customer testimonial section with a short success story of how FEA improved their product performance.

By presenting the services in a visually engaging and informative manner, your clients will gain a clear understanding of the value that FEA simulations can bring to their product development process.

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